Friday, December 31, 2010

Progress and new years + miniOS Taskbar released~!!

sorry it's taking longer than expected, im working super duper hard on it  almost everyday, it'll be great for those who like my themes. I promise :]

Well I might as well say some things, that im dropping the miniOS taskbar and creating a very colorful one you guys might like better and would fit well with my theme :]
The pixellence icons (status indicators toggle switches) are being dropped and im creating a new one similar to that but better you'll see :D

Umm no previews, things like this usually take me a couple of days to make a couple of more days to test and we should have it in 1 or 2 weeks :]

Sorry, just some things worked out but others didn't my beta testers pointed out almost all the flaws and these take time to fix. ^^'

Happy new years sorry for the long talk

check in XDA theme section for the taskbar and previews ;D

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fixes in Ice UI + cabs for beta testers

Please download the softkeys needed after the fix. Sorry for not including it in the cab. ^^

Softkeys: Download

@beta only [Theme] Ice UI for CHT 2.0 (Failed)

A redone version of Ice well not much redon just about a lot of little things edited and some new ones :]

It contains the new lockscreens and stuff like that. New things like softkeyes as this pic was taken some time ago. The beta testers will have to see if they like it or not. ^^'
This theme isn't for everyone mainly aimed at promoting your wallpaper. :]

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hot Pink w/o taskbar + S2U2 info

Who needs a taskbar? :3

Anyways real live screenshot ^

not for everyone but for some you'll enjoy :D

Now on to S2U2 you'll receive the theme in about 8 hours im quite busy actually. I worked on this concept for about an hour though xD  hehe i'll try and stop making these concepts. For now expect an s2u2 in you inbox soon.

Alternative Icons for Saya

I had a feeling some of you weren't going to like the dots so I made a backup plan for icons.

Give any c&c on these as they were drafted a while back. This is made for convenient use rather than the confusing dots :]

Hope you like them :3


Saya Busy Setup

Here's one of my own screenshots. It's pretty busy but im basically showing just about everything I edited in the homepage. :]]

Friday, December 17, 2010

Beta changelog

Before installing beta please take a minute to read the terms when accepting this beta

  • If you install this and breaks your device in anyway, I am not going to be held responsible, to avoid this please make sure you have the correct version of sense and WinMO as both are needed when using in beta
  • Do not share this with anybody, it's incomplete most of it is finished but I dont see any reason why you would share this theme yet. Please wait for the final.
  • No ripping, all of this was made from scratch except in the beta the pixel project icons are still there. Everything else I made, plus my hubby Skyy made the sun for me !!! <3
  • (BETA) Install by days, i'll hand you Purity first today, then Saya the next day, then Ice. 
  • Gingerbread taskbars are on their way, they aren't mine I do not own these icons in anyway, it is a contribution to the winMo community. 

Okay I think that's it I hope :3

Anyways beta testers the release is coming soon, I am already cabbing it up as I am typing this. I'll post a changelog soon after you have discovered all the glitches for now I have no time. Look in your PM you'll receive a dl link to Hotfile if you do not like hotfile or is not reachable in your area please PM me about it and tell me which site you prefer.

30 more minutes for beta :3 ~ ♥

Thanks again you guys for waiting. Oh and S2U2 is coming tomorrow along with Saya. Hehe, i almost forgot about it. Well I fixed a lot of bugs in manila and winMo but I haven't had the time, *tired*

Okay bye and have fun please report in PM/Blogspot/Twitter

Screenies do not come with it, surpries~ :O

Thursday, December 16, 2010

@beta testers

Hi, waiting is painful xD

So is preparing these files, i need to sort out a few things and clean up. It'll be on time as I promised. Just check the time I announced the beta. It'll be released on that time. For now Im still working on a few things to make it better, unfortunately I have discovered many bugs :>

Okay see ya can't wait for full release. ^^

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Version 2 of S2U2 Slider :3

Transparency is already in the images so it'll be set to 32. Please be critique as possible. As of right now im pretty much done with this one, i need to get back to Purity i spent all day on this for some reason including resizing the weather :]

Which is also going to be included in the B&L 5 weather mod. It's not the best mod because it stretches out the first part everything else is good :]

Let's just hope I can finish everything tonight, sadly no screens yet for the full theme. A lot of it isn't quite in place.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Regarding the taskbars

The gingerbread taskbars are not ready, i've finished the iOS taskbar only unfortunately. It took me a while but we will have to see if I am able to complete the taskbars during beta testing. I'll try and work hard on it and hand you the gingerbread taskbars before the 24th. As for now you'll still be handed the updated Ice and Saya UI's plus the new purity. Sorry for the bad news, I just ran out of time :\

Here is the s2u2 screenshot i've been working on. =)

Please be critique as possible as I am not a good gfx designer but I did work on this really hard thanks ;)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What i've done so far~

Redoing some things, the taskbar is actually unreadable on this tiny device. You could see, it looks good?

Anyways manila corrupted again too lazy to fix it so I can't take screenies atm. Need to fix it soon .

S2U2: Didn't have time was busy..sorry :\

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tasklist for Saya tomorrow

  • Finish porting battery to winMO (95% complete missing activesynce...:P)
  • Finish S2u2 theme labeled Purity Lockscreen for S2U2
  • Make new play buttons for Ice, Saya and Purity UI
  • Finish new Purity Slider(haven't started it yet actually)
  • Finish template for 32x32 icons for settings

What is going to be edited in the new sense version? Just pretty much the outside of everything. I can edit most of it but going into the gray settings area sorta bugs me. I don't think i'll do that...

Unfortunately Saya will be labeled as 0.9 in the next version unless I come up with some ideas which I doubt because the gray icons actually look good....maybe i should make the settings icons gray =D

Hehe..we'll for the S2U2 lockscreen it's coming in 2 simple versions as requested by crazyman64. They should look great after im finished but like the others im not customizing the settings e.g blue slides settings and all that. I'll try my best to skin the outer part of it. It'll look great ;D

Issues/Problems: Yes I haven't gotten much rest which is why I wasn't able to work on it these past couple of days, tonight i'll get a good rest. =)

Progress is good imo espescially with the time frame I assigned myself to complete this theme. I wonder how the finish results are going to be? I keep changing everything. xD


Waiting for the weekend~

So tired of school atm, waiting for the weekend to finish Saya and some other projects. Graphics designing class is actually quite the bore can't wait for Friday. ♥

PS: Winter isn't winter w/o snow and there is none where i am at :<

PPS: I hated working on my blog page this morning...

nighty night ^^

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Vocaloid Dock for Android and WinMO CHT(maybe)

Hi my name is Lunie. I am a member of many forums inlcuding EP, XDA, and all kinds of crazy anime junk you modders aren't interested =D

Check here for updates on Saya Series. For now I'll just post one of my old mods which is a work in progress. =)

Project Diva Dock 

It's not exactly like it but it's the best I could do lol. I'll release it tomorrow im pretty much done with it. >_>

Here's a video of projectDIVA =3


How is this going to work? : Start button is going to be implented in the image, i'll provide a transparent 64x64 transparent image to replace it for you.
4 versions eh? : Well if you like any at all please give feedback, i can always drop one of them so I dont have to waste time putting them in this mod.
Hai hai, but anyway you can make it look even...better? : I'm not sure, in time maybe i'm learning how to make icons little by little so yea in time, I do want this to be as great as possible ^^
Derp. : Herp

Umm my mistake for putting the Start button up there that's not suppose to be there but if anyone wants it >_>

For anyone who wants to dl this mod go here

It works very well on android with launcherPro... =3

Wednesday, December 8, 2010